














about: https://www.freecodecamp.org/learn/javascript-algorithms-and-data-structures/basic-javascript/iterate-with-javascript-while-loops There’s a few lessons on different kinds of loops, is just the first.There’s also a section in The Odin Project on loops that you can check out: https://www.theodinproject.com/paths/foundations/courses/foundations/lessons/fundamentals-part-4And here’s a book on Javascript, but I’ll just include the link to the loop section: https://cdn.gomakethings.com/products/vanilla-js-pocket-guide-sample.pdf#__WKANCHOR_m Aaaaand, finally, since you’re new to Javascript, here’s a giant list of places to learn all the things: https://github.com/zero-to-mastery/resources/blob/master/JavaScript.md (There a bunch of info there and not all of it is immediately necessary for you, so don’t let the length overwhelm ya!)

Best of luck! JavaScript.md**</README.md/|Back>****Resources to Become a JavaScript Expert

W3Schools JavaScript Tutorial Examples, and documentations, for those who are advanced, and beginners, to learn JavaScript.

A JavaScript Curriculum: A great curriculum for learning JavaScript from newbie to You Don’t Know JS.

The Art of Node: Short introduction to Node that has some great information.

Eloquent JavaScript: Eloquent JavaScript goes beyond the cut-and-paste scripts of the recipe books and teaches you to write code that’s elegant and effective. You’ll start with the basics of programming, and learn to use variables, control structures, functions, and data structures. Then you’ll dive into the real JavaScript artistry: higher-order functions, closures, and object-oriented programming. Highly recommended.

Exploring JS: JavaScript books for programmers by Dr. Axel Rauschmeyer: free online books that delve deep into the Javascript language - always up-to-date with new books on the latest Ecmascript features

A brief history of JavaScript by Ben Aston: It is a medium article describing and throwing light upon the History of JavaScript.

FreeCodeCamp Beginning JavaScript: Learn JavaScript with an online community, examples, and tons of more advanced JavaScript topics when you are done. Certificate available too. All free.

Functional Light JS: Pragmatic, balanced Functional Programming in JavaScript.

JavaScript Cookbook: Why reinvent the wheel every time you run into a problem with JavaScript? This cookbook is chock-full of code recipes that address common programming tasks, as well as techniques for building web apps that work in any browser. Just copy and paste the code samples into your project—you’ll get the job done faster and learn more about JavaScript in the process.• JavaScript For Cats: An introduction for new programmers.

JavaScript Fundamentals on Codecademy: You will learn programming fundamentals and basic object-oriented concepts using the latest JavaScript syntax. The concepts covered in these lessons lay the foundation for using JavaScript in any environment.

JavaScript Fundamentals for Absolute Beginners: A 7 hour long video with detailed explanations to give a strong foundation in JavaScript fundamentals. Taught by Bob Tabor, one of the most effective web development teachers.

JavaScript Jabber: A weekly podcast discussing the superb language JavaScript.• JavaScript.Info: How it’s done now. From the basics to advanced topics with simple with JavaScript, but detailed explanations.

JavaScript: The Core: This is a very solid foundation to work with, for anyone who might have struggled with the contexts and how arrow functions, local variables, and prototypes fit into the bigger picture. A quick introduction into the deeper ideas in JavaScript.

JavaScript30: A 30-day coding challenge in which you will build 30 things using vanilla JavaScript.

JS Fiddle: JSFiddle is an online community to test and collaborate JavaScript code snippets, known as ‘fiddles’. It also allows for simulated AJAX calls. It can also be used to test HTML & CSS.

Mixu’s Node Book: An online tutorial that received much praise for explaining Node.js in a well-structured way. It is a book that teaches you to write the code for Node.js and not only rely on third-party libraries. Anyone that wants to have a deep grasp of the Node.js framework will benefit from Mixu’s book.

**• Practical JavaScript: The excellent teachers at Watch and Code have released their beginning JavaScript course for free. If you haven’t been able to learn elsewhere, try this tutorial.

State of JavaScript: An annual survey of over 20,000 JavaScript developers regarding the major JavaScript libraries, frameworks, languages, and other tools. A useful resource for understanding where the industry is headed and deciding what to learn next.

You Don’t Know JS: No matter how much experience you have with JavaScript, odds are you don’t fully understand the language. These concise yet in-depth guides take you inside core concepts that can help you become a more efficient and effective JavaScript programmer. This is a series of books diving deep into the core mechanisms of the JavaScript language.

Edabit JavaScript Challenges: Learn JavaScript with real world, interactive challenges. Gain XP, unlock achievements and level up. It’s kind of like Duolingo for learning to code.

JS Tips - A JavaScript tip per day!: JS Tips is a collection of useful daily JavaScript tips that will allow you to improve your code writing.

The Complete JavaScript Course 2020: Build Real Projects! A comprehensive video course from beginner to mastery with real world projects.• Superhero.js: This page is a collection of the best articles, videos and presentations related to JavaScript.

a smarter way to learn : javascript exercises for beginners

JavaScript for Complete Beginners - Interactive Tutorial: A short interactive website which has exercises for introducing new programmers to the primary concepts in JavaScript.

JavaScript ES6: Scrimba: Learn JavaScript ES6 concepts with this short, interactive course at Scrimba. This includes interactive screencasts so you can learn along with the teacher. This is a pretty unique way of instruction.

MDN Web Docs: This provides different tutorials for JavaScript, resources and an explanation of the JavaScript.Advanced Javascript Articles

Exploring Async/Await Functions in JavaScript: Async/await functions, a new addition with ES2017 (ES8), help us even more in allowing us to write completely synchronous-looking code while performing asynchronous tasks behind the scenes.

A simple guide to help you understand closures in JavaScript: A closure is a function that has access to its outer function scope even after the return of the outer function (For better understanding head inside the blog).Tools, Frameworks, and Libraries

JavaScript Array Explorer: Find the array method you need for your JavaScript array without digging through the docs. A useful resource that can make using arrays easier.

Javascript Object Explorer: The same tool for objects.

Linting ES2015+ — ESLint with StyleGuides: Google, AirBnB, Common: An excellent breakdown of linting’s purpose and history while also g…





